Stay Informed on Construction Industry Water Quality News
News on recent important developments in water quality regulatory and policy-making activities in California and Washington D.C.
Construction & Building Industry News
Each month, CICWQ collects news and information on water quality and water supply reliability topics. Articles cover a wide range of issues affecting the construction industry: water quality and wetlands regulations and policies, water supply, sewer system, and stormwater drainage improvement efforts, and multi-benefit, regional water supply reliability project development.
CICWQ also publishes technical articles and reports periodically and prepares presentations that emphasize water quality research and findings specific to the construction industry.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-JANUARY 2024
As we step into 2024, we extend our warmest wishes to everyone in the California construction industry. While winter 2024 appears to be more temperate than the record-setting year behind us, Mother Nature always keeps us on our toes.
2023 Year In Review: Advancements in Water Quality for the Construction Industry
As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on a year of significant achievements and milestones in the realm of water quality and the construction industry. The Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality (CICWQ) has tirelessly worked to safeguard the interests of those shaping California's landscapes. Here's a comprehensive look.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-DECEMBER 2023
As December unfolds, we reflect on our advocacy work, addressing water quality and supply issues in the construction industry. The State's actions in the wake of a record-breaking water year shed light on crucial developments and future preparations for water supply management.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-NOVEMBER 2023
Prepare for wet winter 2023-24 in California. New stormwater regulations demand compliance for construction sites to avoid hefty fines and potential litigation. Stay informed on water conservation efforts, including turf rebates in Southern California.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-OCTOBER 2023
Autumn is in the air in California, and rainfall is expected (we hope) to continue replenishing our snowpack and statewide reservoir system for the foreseeable future. We aim to ensure that the contracting and building industry is well-prepared for Winter 2024.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-SEPTEMBER 2023
On September 8, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Construction Stormwater General Permit Order WQ 2022-0057-DWQ (2022 CGP) with an effective date of September 1, 2023, and a two-year regulatory transition period for dischargers with existing coverage under Order WQ 2009-0009-DWQ (2009 CGP).
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-AUGUST 2023
As the sun sets on a productive summer, our unwavering attention remains on crucial compliance matters within our industry. Highlighting this month is the unveiling of the State-mandated Construction General Permit (CGP) for stormwater training, tailored exclusively for Qualified SWPPP Developers (QSDs) and Qualified SWPPP Practitioners (QSPs).
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-JULY 2023
Dive into the construction industry's critical statewide issues this month! Learn about the general construction stormwater permit, infrastructure acceleration plans, and proposed water conservation legislation. Don't miss our power-packed edition!
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-JUNE 2023
It's June, and that means summer ☀️ is right here, right now—time to get the hat and sunscreen and get out there 🏖️. Good weather means construction projects will be in full swing, and this year, maybe, just maybe, fire season will spare us and our worn-out residents.
Supreme Court Clarifies and Limits Definition of Waters of the United States
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled against the U.S. EPA in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency. The ruling is significant for any owner of land that is near a water body; and it represents a major change in law and policy going forward.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-MAY 2023
May 2023 finds the construction industry and its advocates fighting hard over proposed major and sweeping changes from the California Air Resources Board concerning the phase-out of diesel and gasoline engines, which are the heart of our workforce’s ability to get the job done.
Water Supply Reliability and Housing – Making it Work in Times of Drought
New housing in Southern California is more water-efficient and conservative than ever before. Inside and outside the home, water-efficient and conservative practices are on display. Super-efficient fixtures and appliances are teamed with low to zero water-use landscapes, designed to be California climate-friendly year around.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-APR 2023
Maybe, just maybe, the firehose of rain directed at California this winter and early spring is finally running out. What a year in water we have shared together, and it is truly remarkable given the painful drought the past three years. We must make the most of what we have and increase our efforts to capture more water in years just like this.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-MAR 2023
Happy Spring 2023 to everyone working in the construction industry in California. As we try and dry out (maybe soon?) from a record-setting winter of precipitation, state and local agencies across the state are continuing to look at finding ways to store and conserve more water. Legislators in Sacramento have already introduced new bond funding proposals to provide additional flood protection…
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-FEB 2023
Well, the never-ending rainstorms finally stopped over most of California this past month, but water supply reliability and water quality protection issues never take a day off. As we move into 2023, the State Water Board and a group of public and private stormwater stakeholders—known as the Construction General Permit (CGP) Training Team--are developing a new, updated training program for complying with the revised CGP for stormwater.
Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order to Increase Stormwater Capture
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on February 13 to expand statewide stormwater runoff capture capacity by increasing groundwater storage capacity. And Governor Newsom's order continues ongoing conservation measures. It allows the State Water Board to reevaluate requirements for reservoir releases and diversion limitations to maximize water supplies north and south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
City of Anaheim Water Quality Credit Trading Program Public Review
The City of Anaheim is developing a water quality credit trading program, which would apply to new public works projects built by the City. Under review by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Board for approval, the program, if approved, would allow the city to create and apply water quality credits for City-owned new development projects as a means of complying with the North Orange County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit for stormwater runoff.
Renewal of the Santa Ana Watershed Regional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit
The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board is revising and updating three existing MS4 permits issued. The three existing permits cover northern Orange County and western areas of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, located within the Santa Ana River watershed.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-JAN 2023
Happy New Year from CICWQ. What a deluge of rain we have had throughout California since we last wrote to you in December. We hope everyone is OK and that your families and friends’ homes and properties stayed safe during the wettest period on record we’ve had in California in many years.
CICWQ 2022 Year In Review
2022 was a year of accomplishment for CICWQ and its advocacy efforts. We finally got to the finish line with the State Water Board’s adoption of the Construction General Permit for stormwater. Governor Newsom vetoed AB 2106, a win for the construction industry. This year also marked another year of battling the California drought while coming up with ways for water conservation.
Major funding for CICWQ is provided by the Construction Industry Advancement Fund and the Fund for Construction Industry Advancement